Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today I had 2 of my 3 pts cancel on me. My morning pt was a simple tissue eval and we were done well before 9am. I wasn't too upset about my 9 o'clock pt not showing up because I then was able to do my Eagle soft assignment. My afternoon pt was a class 2 and he couldn't come.. bummer. so I called my class 4 to come in and he could only be there for about 1 hour and 15min. I was able to numb him up and finish one quad and get him out with plenty of time.. but yes, he was my only QUAD all day. I'll take it. Can't complain too much, i have been super blessed this semester-i haven't cried once-knock on wood.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

been quite a while

It has been a while since i have written in my blog. I feel my time is short and getting shorter. We are given more and more to accomplish. My MOCK board pt was awesome. He showed up 20 min early and called me when he arrived. I was feeling right on top. The appt went so smooth and my pt and I was talking and enjoying the time. I was finished scaling about 1/2 hour early and had time to re-evaluate my work, probe and do all the paper work. I was ready to go with 10min to spare and feeling pretty good. the student examiner was looking all serious when she brought him back after the check, but right behind her was my pt with two thumbs up.. I missed zero spots!!!!! Instructor Perry told me to do a repeat performance for the real deal.